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Relax at the Office? It's Easier Than You Think

If you're looking for an easy solution to the beginning, middle or end-of-the-week blahs, look no further.

We have enlisted the help of relaxation consultant Darrin Zeer to get you out of the doldrums and on your way to a stress-free existence!

The first step, according to Zeer, is to know the Five Golden Rules of the Office Spa:

  1. Breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing your body
  2. Keep things simple, moving forward one step at a time
  3. Focus on each step, calmly
  4. Do not stress out about the little things
  5. Treat yourself to an "office spa" break whenever the need arises

OK! Now we are ready to tackle the workweek. Starting with the most difficult day to get in gear — Monday — let's see what Zeer has in store for us:

Monday: Inner Order

"Your workweek will go much more smoothly if you take some time on Monday morning to write your anxieties away. Appointments, to-do lists, deadlines — get these out of your head and onto paper and you'll feel the stress fade away. Check items off throughout the week and see how much you accomplish."

Tuesday: Meeting Mist

"Let lavender set the mood! The scent of lavender alleviates stress-related symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue:"

  1. Fill a clean spray bottle with 6 to 8 tablespoons of cool water.
  2. Add 2 to 4 drops of lavender essential oil and shake.
  3. Take a nice, deep breath.
  4. Organize your thoughts and spend a moment focusing on your agenda.
  5. Keep the bottle tightly closed and treat yourself — and your desk area — to spritzes throughout the day.

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